This is a very tasty one and is good by itself but with the
cream is amazing. I over-cooked the syrup a
little (see below), and I think that had I got that right it would have
been beyond tasty!
finely grated zest of 3 oranges
250g plain flour
5 tbsp freshly-squeezed orange juice
2tsp baking powder
100 ml sunflower oil
200g caster sugar
120 ml milk
100g ground almonds
3 eggs
pomegranate syrup
120 ml pure pomegranate juice
85g caster sugar
knob of butter
Juice 2 small oranges
pomegranite seeds (to decorate)
orange cream
175g mascarpone cheese
50g icing sugar
5 tbsp double cream
Finely grated zest of 1 orange
Grease and line a 23cm springform cake tin with baking
parchment and pre-heat the oven to 180ᵒc. In a jug mix together the orange zest, orange juice, oil and
milk. Then beat in the eggs.

Cook for about one hour (cover with foil if browning) or
until a skewer comes out clean. Cool slightly then remove from the tin.
While it’s baking, make the syrup and cream. For the syrup
gently heat the juices until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil until
reduced slightly and syrupy. Be careful that you don’t reduce it too much and
heat it too much or else it’ll turn into a type of pomegranate toffee – tasty enough
but not right here. Whisk in the butter, pout into a jug and set aside.

Today's Learning:
It's all so tasty, what to say? The mascarpone, cream and icing sugar with orange zest is amazing. Serve it with any dessert that could take a zingy cream.
Recipe taken from: BBC Masterchef (2012) MasterChef Everyday. London: Dorling Kindersley Limited
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